Violence Prevention

Robert Giles

Violence Prevention Program 3rd-12th

Learning Outcome #1

Students will identify with the term Empathy and will be given examples of situations in which someone displayed this behavior. Students will then internalize the term and relate it to themselves.  Students will use the computers in the classroom to research acts and situations in which someone displayed empathy.  Student will be asked to write about a situation in which they were empathetic. Students wishing to express verbally these situations will be encouraged to do so.  Students will participate in role plays that are designed for them to physically act out related scenarios of situations in which can provoke violence.  Class will then discuss these situations exploring various options.

Learning Outcome #2

Students will identify with the term Impulse Control and will be given examples of situations in which someone displayed this behavior. Students will then internalize the term and relate it to themselves. Students will use the computers in the classroom to research acts and situations in which someone displayed an impulsive action.  Student will be asked to write a situation in which they had a situation in which they made an impulsive decision.  What did they do, what could they have changed?  Students wishing to express verbally these situations will be encouraged to do so. Class will discuss these situations exploring various options.

Learning Outcome #3

Students will identify with the term Anger Management and will be given examples of situations in which someone displayed this behavior. Students will then internalize the term and relate it to themselves. Students will use the computers in the classroom to research acts and situations in which someone displayed actions of being angry.  Student will be asked to write a situation in which they had a situation in which they were angry and why. What did they do and what other options may have been available. Students wishing to express verbally these situations will be encouraged to do so. Class will discuss these situations exploring various options.

A learning activity for my students will be to watch the video at  They will then discuss what happened in the video and express how they would have dealt with the situation.  Students will then write about a situation in which they had a similar experience.  Students will then be selected to participate in a role play which enacts similar situations.  Students will then discuss students behaviors and reactions and the sugest alternatives to displayed behaviors.  Students will write in complete paragraphs, (one to eight paragraphs depending on grade level).  Written assignments will then be placed in the individual students portfolio for future reference. Another option will be to have the student draw on paper the situation discussed, these drawings will also be placed in the students portfolio.  Teacher will assist students in finding appropriate sites to research information.  Teacher will assist the student in learning key words to apply in search engines which will assist the student in finding related materials.

Data will be collected and reviewed of the student code violations for the school before the violence prevention program starts.  Data will also be collected of the student code violations at the end of the school year to determine programs impact. Report will be generated to evaluate programs impact on overall student code violations at the program school.